
The Institute for Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IPS-BAS) coordinates the National Consortium „SHARE ERIC Bulgaria” of the Research Infrastructure „New opportunities in relation to ICT-based systems and models for Bulgaria’s continued participation in SHARE and joining to SHARE ERIC” with the partnership of Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. The national infrastructure SHARE ERIC Bulgaria is financed by the Ministry of Education and Science, as financial coordinator of the National Roadmap of research infrastructure 2020-2027.

The IPS-BAS team includes Ekaterina Markova, associate professor, Ph.D., (national coordinator), Gabriela Yordanova, PhD student Anna Tzacheva  and Dianа Nenkova

The team of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, leaded by Zhelyu Vladimirov, professor, D.Sc., creates University educational programs for Bachelors and Masters, based on longitudinal panel data from SHARE.

Within the SHARE ERIC Bulgaria consortium (August 2018 – August 2019) a Specialized Research and Application Center SHARE-Bulgaria has been established to support the use of the SHARE database and ICT-based systems and models in SHARE. The center provides training opportunities for students, PhD students and experts to work with panel national and international data; for processing, calculations and expert analysis; to coordinate, adapt and organize the collection of panel data within SHARE, etc. In 2020, a second research and applied SHARE center was established at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”
In order to increase the awareness among the public administration and the Bulgarian scientific community about the possibilities for using the data from SHARE, IPS-BAS conducts information seminars among stakeholders.
In order to stimulate Bulgarian scientists for research work based on quantitative, comparative, longitudinal data from SHARE, we are working to publish research based on SHARE in prestigious scientific journals.
Based on the data from the SHARE survey, the team from the Faculty of Economics at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”prepares training materials and case studies for working with panel longitudinal international and national data for university courses in master’s degree, as well as a pilot training course for doctoral students.
SHARE ERIC Bulgaria coordinates and organizes data collection from the 7th, 8th wave of SHARE, as well as the specialized COVID module of SHARE. In 2021-2022, SHARE conducted two studies in Bulgaria – COVID-2 and the 9th wave of SHARE. The end of 2022 is devoted on first actions in preparation of SHARE wave 10. The activities about data collection of wave 10 continue in 2024.

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