Interactive webinar “SPSS for beginners – working with SHARE data files and basic statistical analysis”

Within the COVID emergency measures the European infrastructure SHARE ERIC and the Bulgarian scientific infrastructure SHARE ERIC Bulgaria continue their intensive work. One of the tasks for the Bulgarian infrastructure is to increase the expertise of Bulgarian scientists, students and PhD students to work with panel, longitudinal data from the Study of Health, Aging and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). In 2019, the first specialized seminar for advanced users was held: “Application of logistic probability models and their capabilities for data analysis from SHARE”. Due to the increased interest for participation by the colleges, we decided to use online communication tools and to organize a second seminar – for beginners.

An interactive online seminar on “SPSS for beginners – working with data files from SHARE and basic statistical methods for analysis.” was held on 29-30.10.2020 within the project: Consortium SHARE-ERIC Bulgaria for the scientific infrastructure “Study of health, aging and retirement in Europe” (SURVEY OF HEALTH, AGEING AND RETIREMENT IN EUROPE – SHARE), site of National Roadmap for Research Infrastructures (2017-2023). The lecturer is Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ekaterina Tosheva (Department of Statistics and Econometrics, UNWE), a representative of the Institute for Research in Education.

As a mandatory condition for registration in the seminar, participants must have individual access to SHARE data, as well as computer and SPSS. 18 participants registered – researchers, students and doctoral students from BAS, UNWE, Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski” and other research institutions.
The seminar covers the following topics:
  • Introduction to the SHARE data content and structure with emphasis on the 7th SHARE wave for Bulgaria;
  • Main activities for data management (file merging, selection, preparation of the database for analytical work);
  • Basic statistical methods for analysis.
Assoc. Prof. Ekaterina Tosheva conducted interactive exercises with the participants.
We hope we will be able to continue the seminar activities with new topics, especially since we expect the soon opening of SHARE data  – COVID module and the 8th wave of SHARE for public use.