Ministry of Education and Science
Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
National Roadmap for Scientific Infrastructure (2017-2023)
Research Infrastructures and Equipment in Bulgaria
Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE)
Publications by Bulgarian Scientists, based on SHARE data
SHARE based scientific publications are more than 2950 (Nov 2020). List of publications is available at SHARE web page.
Bogdanova, B., Nedev, B. (2020). The effect of activities as prevention tool for elderly people in Europe from depression, forthcoming in AIP Conference Proceedings;
Nedev, B., Bogdanova, B. (2020). Cross-sectional differences in the level of depression for elderly people in Europe, forthcoming in AIP Conference Proceedings.
Markova, E., Yordanova, G. (2019). “Does sport have a place in the life of Bulgarians aged 50+? Analysis of national data from the 7th wave of SHARE”, Sofia: Scientific and Methodological Journal Sports and Science: International Scientific Conference” Sports and Recreation “, 29.11-01.12.2019, Blagoevgrad, 26-36. ISSN: 1310-3393
Markova, E., Tosheva, E. 2020. ‘Why to go for early retirement? Determinants for early exit from the labour market: the evidence from Bulgaria‘, Balkan Social Science Review (16), 299-315, ISSN 1857-8799
Markova, E., Yordanova, G. 2021. Regional variations of the transition from work to retirement. Comparative analyses of SHARE data wave 7 from Bulgaria, Romania and Greece. Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences., BAS, (accepted 2020), ISSN:2367-6248
Tosheva, E. (2020). Participation in Activities: Determinants and Reflection on Quality of Life and Satisfaction in Old Age Population in Bulgaria. Revista Inclusiones 7: 353-367 DOI: ISSN 0719-4706.
Dimitrova, Elitsa K. (2021). Social Differences in Self-Perceived Health of People at Older Age in European Societies. Results of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). Revista Inclusiones 8: 01-21.
Bogdanova, Boryana & Vladimirov, Zhelyu. (2021). Cross-sectional differences in the level of depression since the COVID-19 outbreak: A study on SHARE data. Revista Inclusiones 8:22-43.
Tosheva, Ekaterina; Yordanova, Gabriela & Markova, Ekaterina Lyubenova. (2021). Before and during the outbreak: prerequisites for the high Covid-19 mortality rate in Bulgaria. Empirical insights from SHARE data. Revista Inclusiones 8: 44-61.
Angelova, Mihaela Angelinova. (2021). Factors affecting the active life of people aged 50 and over in Europe before and during the pandemic. Revista Inclusiones 8: 62-90.
Markova, Ekaterina Lyubenova; Yordanova, Gabriela & Tosheva, Ekaterina. (2021). Mental health risk alerts and loneliness during the pandemic: a comparative insight from three Balkan countries. Revista Inclusiones 8: 91-112.
Yordanov, Vladimir. (2021). Covid-19 pandemic: a study on the relationship between social distancing and mental health status among people aged 50 and older in Europe. Revista Inclusiones 8: 113-139.
Netov, Nikolay Chudomirov & Tisheva, Diana Hristova. (2021). An intuitionistic fuzzy approach for covid-19 survey analytics. Revista Inclusiones 8: 140-149.