SHARE data is actively used in university courses

During the summer semester of the academic year 2020/21, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boryana Bogdanova conducted an elective course integrated into the curriculum of several master’s programs offered by the Faculty of Economics at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski ”. During the course, students had the opportunity to work on a case study based on SHARE wave 7 data. The basis of the case developed by Assoc. Prof. Bogdanova is its publication in co-authorship with Chief Assistant. Dr. Bozhidar Nedev „Cross-sectional differences in the level of depression for elderly people in Europe“. For those of you who want to peek into our classroom, we share records from lecture 1 and lecture 2 on this topic.

During the summer semester of the academic year 2021/22, Assoc. Prof. Bogdanova will integrate in her course “Data Science for Business and Finance”, which is followed by students from  „Artificial Intellect for business and finance“, the results of her last publication on the topic in co-authorship with Prof. D.Sc. Zhelyu Vladimirov „Cross-Sectional Differences in the Level of Depression since the COVID-19 Outbreak: A Study on SHARE Data“. Students will have the opportunity to work with data from the SHARE Corona of wave 8.